The Pit River Tribe has successfully brought solid waste and recycling collection to their tribal homes and businesses. Funded with a grant from USDA and EPA, the Pit River Tribe hired a solid waste coordinator and technician, purchased a collection vehicle and bins, and established the Pit River Solid Waste and Recycling service. The Tribe established a drop-off recycling center that accepts electronic waste, recyclables, and reusable materials; a car crushing operation; and a “pay-as-you-throw” collection program. In order to gain acceptance for the “pay-as-you-throw” program, the Tribe rolled program out slowly, starting it initially as a free service then gradually introducing fees. The Tribe also worked closely with their finance department to ensure proper accounting and billing. After two years of operation, the program has successfully overcome 100-mile haul distances to provide service to low-income rural tribal members who were previously not served. In order to bring the program closer to sustainability, the Tribe gained generous support from their Tribal Council, and found creative ways to generate additional program income by renting their collection vehicle and clean-up bins. This program provides tribal members with a consistent service, and open dumping and burning on the Tribe’s land has been greatly reduced.