Pit River Tribe Water Department
The Pit River Tribe currently has two community public water systems; XL Reservation and Montgomery Creek Rancheria. These two systems provide drinking water for the respective communities, as well as water to aid in fire prevention. Our third system, the Chimney Rock Truck Stop, is designated a transient-non community public water system, providing safe drinking water to those who visit the business and then continue on their way.
U.S. Congress and EPA have enacted “rules” that have been very effective in lowering the number of waterborne illness. The tribe has been diligent meeting the guidelines set by federal agencies. These duties include water quality monitoring, notifying residents of the quality of water provided to them, and hiring certified operators to oversee operation and maintenance. These are just a few of the requirements of the federal safe drinking water act, also known as the SDWA.
The tribe is working closely with other entities. Namely, Indian Health Services (IHS), Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC), and EPA Pacific Southwest Region 9 Drinking Water Office. All working together with the common goal of providing safe drinking water for the communities we serve.
The tribe has been busy updating operation and maintenance activities of these three systems. The Pit River Tribe will continue to increase in knowledge and skill, as methods and technology advance, ultimately bringing our water systems to its peak potential and maintaining it at that level for our future generations. Due to the age of current certified water operators, a majority nearing retirement, the demand for certified water operators has greatly increased. This leads to excellent career opportunities awaiting individuals who apply themselves toward this profession.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to call. Phone – (530) 335-5421