Department of Justice Program


Pit River Tribe NAVIGATE Program:




Domestic Violence Against Native Women Program that can possibly assist with emergency assistance for shelter, or transitional housing assistance.


(Applications and guidelines are available for review and downloading)




Address:     37014 Main Street


                   Burney Ca  96013


Phone:        530-335-2020


Contact:     Ida M. Riggins  Email:




Program Director:         Todd Franklin




Pit River Tribe ASSETT Program:




Licensed MFT:                         Gary Fortenberry


Credentialed Teacher:            Dustin Fortenberry  email:






Pit River Tribe PREP Grant:


Our Teen Pregnancy Grant is underway and moving forward the first year is planning only and I will keep you all updated as we move forward and make progress.




Program Manager:                  Gary Fortenberry


Program Director:                   Todd Franklin